Today, the situation in Haiti could not be more dire. Government backed paramilitary groups continue to terrorize opposition neighborhoods. Six hundred thousand people have had to flee their homes in the wake of this  violence. Food insecurity now threatens nearly 5 million people,  including 2.4 million children, in a country of 12 million. Donations to the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund  go directly to grassroots organizations in Haiti that are the hope for Haiti’s future. Your funds support internal refugees who have been driven from their homes and those fleeing Haiti. They help sustain grassroots women’s organizations, mobile health clinics and literacy programs in Haiti’s poorest communities. Your donations will help support the University of the Dr. Aristide Foundation (UNIFA), which has opened a new teaching hospital under the most challenging conditions. Your funds will aid the growth of independent community-based media, so critical in a society where the rich control almost all sources of information.



Donate to
Haiti’s Earthquake Relief Fund

Send checks to
Haiti Emergency Relief Fund
East Bay Sanctuary Covenant
P. O. BOX 4670
Berkeley, CA 94704
All donations are tax-deductible.
East Bay Sanctuary Covenant
is a non-profit 501(c)(3)
organization, tax ID# 94-3249753
Telephone: +510-595-4650